7 Golden Rules for Flying with an Infant

Not many things in life are as difficult as birthing a baby. But traveling with one is on the list—or so many believe. However, it is doable if you prepare yourself and your infant. Luckily, this only requires some online searching, which you can easily do with your Spectrum Internet. If you are a new parent looking to travel soon, don’t panic. Yes, everyone dreads being the person on a flight with a howling baby. But if you follow these 7 life-saving tips, you don’t have to worry about that.
So, take a deep breath, fasten your seatbelt, and prepare for takeoff. You have an exciting journey ahead of you—not despite, but because of your baby.
1 Do Your Homework
Never, ever book a flight before doing your research. This applies to all flights in general, but especially if you’re with an infant. Before you book your flight, look up the infant travel rules for all available airlines. Most airlines don’t charge you for an extra ticket if your child is under 2. However, be sure to compare airline policies. Also, see if any airline offers any special arrangements for infants.
Moreover, compare all flights to check whether there is an overlay. Prefer to book a direct flight. If not, choose one with a long overlay. You don’t want to be rushing to change flights when you are with your infant. Instead, it’s better to have ample time to tend to your baby’s needs during an overlay. Plus, make sure to look up the seating capacity of your flight. If you can, opt for a flight on a larger aircraft.
2 Choose the Right Seat
Once you have researched your flight, narrow down the best seat you could get. This would either be a seat right at the front or the aisle. This is because these seats would allow you to easily walk to the bathroom. If you’re seated by the aisle, you can even walk along it to soothe your baby.
Some aircraft also offer a seat with a bassinet for infants. Call the airline and request to be seated there. However, most times such seats are assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis. So try to arrive early so you can quickly check-in. Also, ask ahead about empty seats. Your flight would be much easier if your baby gets a separate seat. If it’s your lucky day, the airline staff will happily accommodate you.
3 Pack the Essentials
This means two things. One: pack everything that is essential for your baby. This means you need to carry a generous number of changing supplies for your baby. Keep diapers, wipes, and spare baby clothes with you. Also, keep some bags you can use to easily dispose of used diapers. If your baby has any favorite toys or pacifiers that keep him calm, bring them along. Two: don’t overpack. Your baby can survive a holiday without six pairs of mittens, two stuffed toys, and a cradle.
4 Change Diapers before Flying
One of the essential rules of traveling is to finish all bathroom business beforehand. This applies to you, and your baby. Try to feed your baby some time before your flight so it can get the smelly stuff out of its system. Even if you have changed your child’s diapers an hour before the flight, do it again before checking in. A happy baby won’t disturb you on a flight. And no one is happy in a wet diaper.
5 Keep Food on You
To keep things sanitary for your baby, keep all essential food supplies on you. Don’t rely on the airplane or anyone else! So, keep clean bottles, a flask of clean water, and baby food on you. If you breastfeed your baby, that’s even better! Also, keep some snacks for yourself.
6 Use Earplugs
Even adults feel uncomfortable while flying because of the change in air pressure. It can be even more taxing for infants with sensitive ears. To protect your baby from a drastic change in pressure, try to cover its ears using infant earplugs. If your baby could talk, it would sure thank you!
7 Don’t Stress Out
A stressed parent means a stressed baby, and vice versa. You will be the gentlest with your baby when you are calm. So don’t panic, and know that you can always ask for help. If things feel out of control, remember that others also have babies. There are likely many others on the flight who can lend you supplies, suggestions, and company. Also, airline staff is usually extra nice to young parents. Remember: you and your baby will both be okay.