How can you save money while traveling the world?

save money while traveling world

Traveling the world is probably a dream for many, but actually committing is a costly affair, literally. The traveling cost to different parts of the world is just too much for a regular individual. 

Many people give up on traveling abroad because of this very reason. It always seems to take up so much money, and yet the return is almost negligible. The only way around it is to create a budget and save up enough, and even that does not seem enough. 

In this article, we discuss some different ways you can save some money during your abroad adventures, and this will surely help you spend less than you intended, which is at least a reason to start planning on foreign travels again. 

1.      Don’t buy as much stuff: 

Sure, you can buy whatever you want, but keep the number of unnecessary things bought limited. You can get a couple of souvenirs and so on, but definitely avoid overdoing it on the purchases. 

2.      Off-season travel: 

We all know that off-season only means more discounts on travel to multiple countries as tourists. You travel to any country during the off-season, and you will find basically no tourists and discounted hotels and so on. This is also the best idea if you want a higher chance of finding discounted tours of specific locations. 

3.      Off-peak flying: 

If you are looking at flight deals, make sure you fly on the weekdays like Monday to Wednesday, instead of peak days like Thursday or Friday. Also, something to remember in this regard, apart from the flight being cheaper; usually, the second flight on these days is cheaper than the first. 

4.      Travel bank account: 

As mentioned earlier, start budgeting by saving some money specifically for travel. A good way to do this is by opening a bank account specifically for your travel needs. Remember, while choosing the bank, you want one that gives you unlimited ATM withdrawals abroad and little to no transaction fees. 

5.      Rent your place out: 

If you are planning a backpacking trip or a vacation for a couple of months, consider renting out your home/apartment. Sometimes, instead of just offsetting your travel costs, you may even end up making money, depending on the place/s you’re going to visit and the costs there. 

6.      Orbitz: 

Orbitz gives you Orbucks if you participate; it’s a sort of reward program for bookings. As soon as you book, you get sent some Orbucks, which you can then use on future bookings. This is very helpful if you are traveling to multiple places in, say, Europe; by the time you are done with one area and are booking a hotel for the next, you may already have accumulated the money for it. 

7.      A home away from your own: 

Yes, hotels are great, but at times, their prices can be rather steep, especially when traveling as a group. This is where services like Airbnbs come into the picture. They provide you with an affordable price while also giving you home-like amenities. Make sure that when you book your Airbnb, you select rentals that are hosted by ‘Superhosts’; these have the highest ratings. 

8.      Activity bookings are better made ahead of time: 

Sort out your itinerary before you travel to your desired destination. Many may argue that, in order to get the best deals, you have to make plans last minute. But that train of thought isn’t always true, especially in Europe, where planning is more appreciated. By planning your activities, you may get cheaper deals because you are also helping them plan. Planning activities can also get you discounts, such as group discounts, and you don’t necessarily have to be in a group either. 

9.      Do not rent a car: 

Car rentals are expensive anyway, and to do it in a foreign country could prove to be even more expensive. Make sure you figure out your desired location’s public transportation beforehand; that way, you get moving as soon as you land. 

10.  If you end up renting a car anyway: 

However, sometimes it is absolutely crucial you rent a car. Maybe there is an activity on your itinerary at a certain time, and you might miss it and so on. In such cases, use AutoSlash. This will help you find the best rental car deals; better yet, if you provide the details of a car you already rented, it will make sure that this is the cheapest car you can rent. 


And so, these are some tips and tricks on how to save money, both before traveling to a certain foreign destination and during your travel. Many of the steps may seem long and exhausting, but remember, good travels come with much sacrifice. 

By taking the necessary measures, you can thoroughly enjoy your abroad trips and vacations without worrying much about money. Like any escape room, these trips can be an escape for you from the real world, and even if it is just a business trip, wouldn’t you love to save some money in the end? 

Author Bio: 

Sophia Scott is a content creator at She’s a passionate young woman, mother to an amazing nine-year-old, and an avid reader. Over the years, writing has helped her explore and understand the world as well as her own self. She loves to travel, meet new people, and spend quality time with her daughter. You can find her on LinkedIn.

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