Make your Motorcycle Travelling Cheap and Pleasant

Motorcycle travel does not have to be expensive, and it is something that everybody can undertake. The same is true whether you’re on a two-week European bike tour or riding your motorcycle around the world. The trick is to figure out how to keep your expenditures low and wasteful spending to a minimum. And after 15 years of motorbike riding throughout the world, we’ve learned a few strategies to help you achieve just that.
This thorough and jam-packed money-saving motorbike travel guide has them all. This article details the ten ways that the majority of your money will be spent on motorbike excursions, as well as simple changes to help you save money on each one. Let’s get started!
Camping on a Motorcycle
Camping is the most cost-effective option to save money on lodging. There are drawbacks, such as carrying more equipment and having fewer amenities. However, it is an important component of motorcycle travel and will save the most money on a daily basis. There are lots of official campsites across the world that are significantly less expensive than staying in hotels, but the greatest method to save money is to not pay any at all – which means wild camping.
Check out the guides below to assist you in preparing your motorbike kit and camping equipment.
Camping in the wilderness
Camping in the wild simply means camping anywhere. It’s an essential and visceral component of motorcycle travel. It’s also a lot of fun, and it becomes better with practice. The most difficult aspect of wild camping for most travelers is locating a suitable location to pitch your tent.

Away from view
Finding a river on your map/navigation device in a forested or quiet region and heading towards it is the ideal method to wild camp. Running water makes a huge difference in a camping location since you can use it to cook, clean, and wash. Tuck yourself out of the way, out of sight, and away from the main route to avoid drawing unwanted attention. If you need to camp closer to civilization, most residents are happy with wild campers as long as they don’t leave a trace, set up their site after the coast is clear, and depart early in the morning.
In the distance
However, wild camping does not necessarily entail wandering forests until you find a secluded area. I’ve camped in people’s back yards (with permission, of course), in a greenhouse, next to restaurants, next to a football field during a game, in between trucks, car parks, and even parks in city centers. I’ve had some beautiful evenings and met some wonderful people simply by knocking on a door and asking if I may sleep on a piece of grass. If you feel you need a little more security in the area where you’re staying, this might be a terrific alternative.
Use Mobile Map
As our primary navigation device, we rely on the Google Maps smartphone app. Google Maps is fantastic since it is free and works even when you are not connected to the internet. It also provides smaller hotels and lodging alternatives that aren’t available on, making it quite easy to discover an inexpensive place to stay. It displays hotels that people have marked on the map, and you can read their ratings as well.
Whenever possible, wild camp.
Choose guest houses over hotels.
Don’t be scared to knock on doors and ask if you may sleep close — you’d be astonished at how generous people can be.
Examine phone apps such as Maps.
Use Mobile Maps