
You are trying to plan a vacation with your family and you heard that a villa might be fun. It would be something different and unique. This would be a great time to create another type of memory.

Before you go ahead and look up “St John vacation rentals”, it might be fun to learn what exactly a villa is and its history. Relax … we’re here to help you. Read on to learn more.

What Is The DIfference Between a House and a Villa?

It’s all about the grouping: Villas are part of a housing colony that has multiple homes for people who are part of the same type of society. Homes, on the other hand, can be built separately from others and people from different economic situations can live in the same neighborhood. Villas also tend to be in a gated area whereas homes are in places where others can walk freely past it with no barriers. 

Villas Date Back To Ancient Roman Times

The upper class of Roman society had these places built on sprawling estates. They often had pools and other amenities. Slaves often maintained the place for them.

That same single-home terracotta style homes are in use today. The roofs tend to have the same style – but look very refined.  While the traditions of villas go way back, you don’t have to wear togas like they did then … unless you want to.

Staff Makes Your Stay a Smooth One

Yes, you do have staff when you stay at a hotel, but they are there to help hundreds of people. When you have a villa, you have a dedicated group that is there to ensure that your stay is a great one. It’s essentially like visiting a friend’s home, but more upscale.

Let us not forget about eating – while it depends on the villa, chances are good that there will be staff there that will make food for you. That saves you time instead of going to a restaurant … or even having to make the food yourself. Talk about a vacation.

Also, you will have things like a pool for yourself and even possibly exercise rooms or spas. These will be for you and your family. No having to share with other people – and there will be walls.

Villas Let You Be Close To Locals

When you go to hotels, they tend to be in very touristy spots, so visitors don’t get to experience the real city or town without having to walk around. Proximity to the local scene is another draw for a villa.

They tend to be nestled right into the local area or a short walk or drive away. You can get the true experience and absorb the culture while you are there since the locals will be close by and you can learn about life there . It is another part of the life-long memory for you or other visitors.

Hopefully this has helped you learn about villas. Enjoy your stay if you do go.