Write For Us


If you’ve been bitten by the travel bug one too many times just like us, then surely you’re dying to share about your experiences too! This is why we’ve come up with this platform. We don’t care if you are a noted stalwart in the field of blogging or an explorer like Vasco Da Gama himself. All we care about is that you’ve been to a place and have a story to tell about it. 

But, let’s not kid ourselves, when it comes to blogging, there are some ground rules that are best to be familiar with. If you’d like to tell your story here, take a look at the things that we prefer:

  1. Speak your mind. Nothing is more boring and bland than reading out a brochure. We don’t want that for our readers, or for our writers. We want you to share your thoughts and be unapologetic about it. Talk to us about your experiences in the first hand.
  2. Share lots and lots of pictures. After all, an image says a thousand words. Backing up your story with images makes it easier for our readers to relate to the place and the post. 
  3. The ideal length should be around 500 to 700 words. 
  4. We truly despise one big paragraph. Instead, why don’t you break your story up in different sections, with multiple subheadings and bullet points? It is easier to follow and keeps things interesting.
  5. We aren’t about selling. This platform is for tips, tricks, experiences, how-tos and more. What it is not about it selling a product. If you are sharing a story and wish to give an interesting link because the item makes sense, then it is all fair. Otherwise, please refrain from promotional content. 
  6. Please ensure that the entire write up follows a standard. Ensure that there aren’t any grammatical or proofing errors. 
  7. We usually get back within 1 or 2 days of your submission, but if you don’t hear from us, please go ahead with another platform. Follow-ups will most likely not help. 
  8. Give credit where credit is due. Please name all your sources, throw in the necessary links, etc.
  9. Please send us your headshot and a little information about yourself to go along with the blog. It helps our readers to put a name and a face to the voice of the write-up. 
  10. Along with the content in a word document send us Meta Title, Meta Keyword, Meta Description, slug, tags for your content for better SEO.

Topics we love include:

  • Tips on Travel to particular destinations
  • Fascinating business opportunities that you saw in a foreign land
  • Food hacks in travel
  • Packing/ Traveling tricks
  • What to do/ What not to do at particular places.

Of course, these are mere suggestions and we’re sure that you have a lot of other interesting stuff to swing our way! Email us at donnacoxapp@gmail.com